Thursday, June 25, 2020

Online Gallery June 25, 2020 with optional prompt "Broad Strokes'

Robin Berry

Tom Daniels

Serena Dinsmore

Cynthia Jeffrey

Robin Laughlin

Diane Bestor

Mary McNeil

Mary McNeil

Mary McNeil

Mary McNeil

Louisa Moutos

Loralee Newman

Mike Porter

Mike Porter

Eunice Sause

David Savinar

David Savinar

George Schweser

Karen Shawcross

Linda Sprau

Jim Syfert 

Jim Syfert 

Jim Syfert 

Jim Syfert 

Kathy Towne

Kathy Towne

Loretta Unger

Mary Weil

Mary Weil

Mary Weil

To read notes from today's Online Gallery go HERE

Mary McNeil accordian book

Mary McNeil accordian book

Read about next Zoom meeting July 2 in the Notes section