Meeting Notes, Dec 21, 2017

At todays meeting: Dave, Sharon, Tim, Tom D, Tom K, Ken, Genie, Annie, Susan, Tom, Chris, Ward, Diane, Lisa, Eunice, Tracie, Yong, Becky, Judith and me, Celeste.

Todays suggested table topic: The year in review (2017)--what did you learn? And the year ahead..what are your plans/ideas?

Celeste: The highlight of 2017 for me was the Strada Challenge and the "extended" 30 day challenges that Joanne and I organized. I benefited from it! For 2018 I will be returning to some basics, especially drawing. (I loved the class I recently had with Za Vue). Here are some paintings from my daily painting archives.

Dave: During 2017 I transitioned to acrylics. I love it! I use the Open acrylics and I recommend them. In 2018 we are planning a trip to San Miguel Mexico. I am showing a painting I just completed. That horse in the back is being brought back somehow. I think of that horse as having a name like "Bessie" and that will likely figure into the title somehow. 

Sharon: I am really happy for the past year, for being able to spend it with Dave! 2018 will be great too.

Tim: 2017 Well, The "BIG" paintout that we did together was a highlight of 2017. I loved painting in such a big group. It was just so much fun to be together. I hope for more of those in 2018. Every year I do something like try to show my gratitude (for this group) (Editors note: Tim has painted miniature Christmas paintings for each of us!--thanks Tim!)  

Ken: During 2017 I moved three times! I had a teacher who I liked and who I miss. For 2018 I am going to work on my motivation. I also want to address my websites. I want to improve them. I am showing a painting I did in a cubist style and also a painting that incorporated my theme...which is "into the light".

Genie: I spent 2017 trying to find out what is *my* way (I took classes and I understand *their* way...but what is mine?) In 2018 my plan is to concentrate on warm and cool...and to continue on my individual path.

Annie: There are different "New Years". Different places celebrate at different times. For me my New Year started in July. I took on this project that defined my year. I have been envious of those who paint, because my project doesn't involve painting. (It's collage for a book). Recently I saw a video about water soluble paint and I am very interested in how they can be used with regular paint (in a certain percentage). For 2018 I will experiment with water soluble paint. 

Susan: 2017 sucked, but 2018 will be better! (Applause)! (Editor's note: We're so happy to see you here today, Susan. We're in your corner)!

Ward: I think maybe I am living in dog years...because my 2017 has been like 7 years crammed into one! (Laughter)! I gave up my home and I gave up my business. This has been a long time in the making...but last winter I made a decision that I am not going to winter here any longer.  It rains too much here (I need the better weather). So, as you know, I've been on the road in my "Paintmobile" and I happened into San Diego.  I saw this roller coaster and thought to myself..I wonder how I could simplify that. Then, not long after that I connected with Chuck McPherson (an outrageously good artist) and he happened to be giving a lecture/workshop (right there in the same place with the roller coaster) on.....How to simplify your composition (Laughter)! I got to hang with him and the watercolor society there and he even involved me in the critique session. 
It does get lonely out there in the Paintmobile, I have to tell you--so I wanted to just say what a blessing this group is! I loved checking the notes while I was gone. 

Tracie: Last meeting I explained about seeing a performance that I'll never forget.  It was a man who was on fire (but he didn't notice). Another person tried to get the man to acknowledge the danger, but he never "got it". The ultimate message was "Wake up Your life". A friend of mine said: "You really should paint that!" I realized that if I tried to paint this idea would be sad, risky and uncomfortable....but I did paint it (the concept). Here it is, this is a fedora aflame (sinking into the sea). (Applause)! This coming year 2018--I am going to do it...I'm going to do the Strada Challenge!

Tom: I had a pretty good year and I hope the next year is a continuation! (Laughter)! I am showing a recent plein air's a quiet field!

Chris: In 2017 I decided to come here (after having read the blog for two years)! (Laughter)! Our last meeting was on saturation, so I decided to try to neutralize colors like we talked about. I painted the cast of "Stranger Things". I think neutralized colors are kind of boring. (Laughter)! I painted my signature backwards. That is a "Stranger Things" thing. 

Diane: 2017 was filled with both good things and bad things.  I advanced in my painting skills. I became completely unafraid of changing things, wiping things out, moving things. I will have paintings to show in 2018. 

Lisa: What I didn't have in 2017 was commitment. My *excuse* was that I still work, I still have a business to run. I realize that I am rationalizing. I am going to do the Strada Challenge! I know that to be a better painter I need to paint more. I will paint more in 2018. (As a side note, I did have a painting to bring today, but I forgot it. I went to see Star Wars last night and went to bed at 2am)!(Laughter)!

Eunice: During 2017 I had eye surgery! I have been watching Christmas movies and knitting! (Editors note: thanks for the knitted bookmarks, Eunice)! I am showing some recent paintings. For 2018 I will paint more. 

Tom: In 2017 my daughter and her boyfriend came to live with me. I have never even had a roommate, so sharing my living quarters with someone I didn't know very well was a challenge for me. Ultimately I took myself on an extended trip to get away from the situation (Laughter)! It was a 9 week adventure and I painted a lot. I am showing a painting that I did of a shadow that casts a shadow! To further confuse the viewer,  I put a sun into the scene too. (Applause)!

Becky: I am working on having an art studio at my house. It's a lot of work, but worth it because I know it will improve my commitment. I did do a business plan recently! I have a lot of things that pull me in different directions. The plan helped me because it spells out a daily plan, study plan, proficiency and productivity. In 2018 I will hold myself accountable. 

Judith: I had a recent opportunity....but it fell through.  I was no longer doing art for myself, now I had to contend with what *they* wanted from me. It weirded me out and I probably said something to mess it up with the decision maker.  I used to negate this group (Alla Prima) some...but now I realize, this group is really great. I am grateful for everyone's input. 

Joanne: For me the Strada Challenge was the highlight of 2017. Most of my paintings are from things happening in my daily life, so the Strada Challenge totally fits. in 2017 I got involved with OSA and it has been both challenging and rewarding. I am in a "The Artists Way" group. In 2018 I am going to take Ward's slot on Fridays to teach a portrait class. Max Ginsburg will be here in February...and I am looking forward to working with him again. (Editor's note Joanne gave Celeste a Corgi mug---thanks, Joanne! There is a story behind it, if you were at the meeting you know this is how Celeste first "met" Joanne...through this Corgi cup).

Yong: This group is amazing! There is a lot of wisdom here. Life and painting is very similar. As you know I take care of my children...but they are getting older and they do not need me as much. They don't "want" me! This is a part of their development that I have to honor and the upside is that I get to paint more. They are beginning to separate from me. It is very important to love what we do. It is sacred and personal. In 2017 I painted every day! It was my own personal challenge and I just have a few more days left to have painted every day of 2017. I learned to manage my time. In life, as well as in painting, we must learn how to simplify things. I am showing some of the oil paintings I may put in my upcoming show. 


Upcoming solo show Yong Hong Zhong at Walters Cultural Center (in February). Yong is also working on some instructional videos. Stay tuned!

Upcoming 2 person show at Clackamas Community College Joanne Radmilovich Kollman and Celeste Bergin beginning Jan 9, 2018 29353 SW Town Center Loop East Wilsonville 97070

Call to Artists from Joanne Radmilovich Kollman/NE Community Center. Submit a digital photo for consideration of a landscape before Jan 4: Upon acceptance you will deliver your work to the NE Community Center location on Jan 5 at 10am.

Paint the figure tomorrow, Friday at OSA Dec 22 with Joanne.  The model is Tony (Joanne's son) -it is his birthday. (We'll celebrate it !) $20 drop ins are welcome.

Officially, Fresh Flower Saturday is on hiatus---but contact Joanne because she might still paint on Saturdays at OSA and you can throw in with her.

The fund for Susan Kuznitsky and family:

Check out Zufar Bikbov's webinar on painting --he asks please subscribe to his channel on YouTube. He will be doing more webinars in the future (this one is very good):

Here is the link to the Strada Challenge. Sign up-! It is free and if painting everyday sounds daunting..remember they allow drawing too. (Everything must be from life, not from photo reference). Bonus...if you make all 31 days you qualify for a chance to win a Strada easel

Ward Stroud has been asked to write a how-to column for Artist's Magazine on watercolor/Brusho. It will be the June issue. (Congratulations, Ward)! Also, plans are underway for travel (with David Taylor) and he's got things in the works with Cheap Joes. He is likely going to begin a blog to make it easy for everyone to find out what he is doing. (Here is Ward's YouTube channel, please subscribe:
Note: It was great to see Ward today (big surprise! We thought he was on the road in his Paintmobile).

Next Meeting, Thursday, Dec 28 9am Share a whimsical, humorous, offbeat or weird experience you have personally had (as it pertains to painting)...let's discuss!

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