Today's suggested topic: Hauling your gear, what makes it easier for you (and if you are a studio painter, give us an organizational suggestion)
Celeste: I have never found hauling my gear to be easy...but so far I flat refuse to use any type of rolling cart. Thomas Kitts got me to pare down my stuff to fit into one backpack, but I still carry this huge tote as my "purse" (laughter)! I match a pre-printed list to my gear each time so I don't forget anything (which is surprisingly easy to do). I am looking to find strong clear bags to organize things within my backpack. I am showing two recent paintings.
Loretta: In the studio I make sure everything is within reach. Also, I make certain the fridge is stocked! I don't want to interrupt myself when I am engrossed in painting. If I have plenty of food, I won't worry about going hungry. (Laughter)!
Ken: I am almost sure all artists have some form of OCD..and I am on the "upper level" of it! (Laughter)! I do have an organized studio and I recommend getting rid of things you are not ever going to use. Just like you do in the rest of your home...if you haven't used something in a year, get rid of it. I am showing a painting from my Meditation series.
Tim: I have seen a lot of outdoor painters use the cardboard box for a wet canvas carrier...but I recommend this instead. It is called an ezPORT and it is a lot better than any of the other carriers I have seen. For one thing, it accommodates a lot of different sizes! It is so sturdy you can sit on it. I am also showing the backpack I use. I have everything I need in this. It is called Guardian Fall Protection. I am showing a recent painting.
Jim: I am showing my backpack for my gear...It has taken me awhile but I have pared things down so that it is only 17 pounds. I can handle this easily. If I need to take more I bring my "Sherpa" with me (Sandy, Jim's wife, holds up her hand) Laughter! I am showing recent exercises. I painted a couple of passes on this one (The lavender bush painting).
Susan: I have a couple of systems ready to go at all times. One is oil and one is pastel. I have found luggage type (rolling) carriers at TJ Maxx. My chiropractor would yell at you, Celeste (Laughter)! (for carrying, instead of rolling). If my wagon doesn't go --I don't go! (Laughter)! I conducted a workshop in Medford. I didn't want to go at first, but of course, once I got there and underway, I changed my mind and then I didn't want to come back! (Laughter)! I am showing a painting I did there as a demonstration. Here is some news....I am going to be conducting a workshop in France in 2019! (Applause)!
Tom: My gear consists of a French Easel, an extra box, a folding chair to sit on and occasionally a beer. (Laughter)! I can get about 300 feet with all that (Laughter)! My suggestion...find a place to paint close to your car! (Laughter)! I am showing two recent plein air paintings.
Geri: I am showing you my Think Tank photography bag that I use for sketching. It is very light. I like the firm base and the fact that you can section it in the way that you want. I keep everything I need in it. I can put a full water bottle in it and, of course, my sketchbook. I especially like this Mead Pencil case that stands up. I recommend you cut off a sock to wear on your wrist to "dab" your water brush! Go ahead now, go home and cut up your socks! (Laughter)! I am showing a recent drawing I did from a sktchy app reference.
Chris: I just got my Jerry's Artorama portable rolling chair! I am anxious to use it! I have been working on a book illustration project.
Diane: I have found some plastic containers at Columbia drafting that I think are invaluable. I have a brush holder that stands up. I got a glass cutting board from Wal-Mart that I use for a palette. I have been drawing lately...but I didn't bring anything today. There is a good rolling bag that you can get from IKEA:
Lisa: I'm pretty good at having my gear together..but I am just getting over an illness, so I don't have anything to show today.
Dave: I have two studios because I live part of the time in Colorado. I have learned all I know from the school of Hard Knocks! (Laughter)! I use a glass palette in both places. I cover my palette and put it in the freezer. I have use a monitor and iPad to use for photo references. One time I agreed to meet up with Za, Joanne and Anton. I had absolutely everything with me, a french easel, everything else that I owned Rosie the dog! I wasn't aware that we were going to walk for MILES and MILES to the spot! (Laughter)! Now I use 1 backpack and a Soltek easel. I keep my paints in three separate bags, warm, cool and neutral (so that I can find things easily). I am showing a recent painting.
Eunice: I have a Honda SUV. It has seats that fold down. I like to keep my gear in my car all the time!
Joanne: I am showing you the backpack that I use. This is Stella's backpack (Laughter)! (Stella is Joanne's dog). Stella actually does wear this! I have a Burley Travoy cart and I use it, but not always.
The EasyL I have came with a bag and I've had to learn that the goal is to NOT fill it up. In my mind all outdoor painters should have a small bag that is ready to go at all times. Just three paints plus white is all you need (along with brushes and panels).
Yong: I try to have whatever I have with me work! So if I only have a few paints...I make that work! I have one set of things for oil and one set for watercolor. I use an old diaper bag (Laughter)! When I paint with watercolor I like to use the Soltek easel...because I can make that flat like a table. I brought some portraits that I did recently.
O'Connors is closing on May 31. It has been sold to developers. We will meet as usual on all Thursdays including May 31. We're on the lookout for a new spot that will fit our established meeting format. If you have a place to suggest email Celeste.
Dave McBride recommends "Genius" about Pablo Picasso:
Workshops and classes with Susan Kuznitsky:
Yong Hong Zhong two upcoming watercolor workshops (May 29 and Sept) figure Workshop with Za Vue and Sergio Lopez (July28 and 29) Email Za:
Terry Miura 3 day Cityscape Workshop at OSA June 15, 16, & 17. Contact Terry Miura directly via his email to sign up and pay for the course:
Cost $420. OSA: 2185 SW Park Pl 97205
Lake Oswego Call to Artists:
Save the Trees Paint out: Deadline to submit May 29
Paint the figure Friday ("Fine Art Friday") at OSA May 11, 1-4pm with Joanne Radmilovich Kollman (uninstructed life session)
$20 drop ins are welcome
Come paint with
FRESH FLOWER SATURDAY (and/or open studio, paint from your own reference) May 12, Saturday 1:30-4:30 pm $25
Drop-ins are welcome. 503.752.3708
Thomas Kitts Workshop, 5 days, August 6
Lavender Festival Plein Air Event (sign up by April 30th for the fee discount):
The Hiatus Drawing Club
Pacific NW Plein Air 2018 (+ Workshop with Randall Sexton)
Southern Oregon Plein Air 2018 (+ Workshop with Aimee Erickson):
PPLC Newsletter: (Eugene)
Next Meeting, Thursday May 17, suggested table topic: Painting fresh and loose-- Would you say this comes naturally to you or not? Do you have key thoughts about how to "put it down and leave it alone"? Do you think that it is important to paint fresh and loose? Let's Discuss!
Next Meeting, Thursday May 17, suggested table topic: Painting fresh and loose-- Would you say this comes naturally to you or not? Do you have key thoughts about how to "put it down and leave it alone"? Do you think that it is important to paint fresh and loose? Let's Discuss!
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