Meeting Notes, October 8, 2015

At today's meeting Loretta, Stephanie, Tim, Carrie, Dotty (new), Joanne M, Karen, Brenda, Diane H, Charlie, Jeanne, Lola, Betsy, Thomas K, Tom D, Jerry, Tedd, Eunice, Joanne K, Kristina, Annie, Diane M, Lisa, Claudia, and me Celeste. 

Today suggested table topic: Favorite locations and why they are favorite. Bonus question any bad locations and why they are bad. 

Celeste: I like Rooster Rock and Blackberry Beach. I like any place in the Gorge. I know that this is my fault and nobody else's fault, but I have never had a good painting at Mount Tabor Park. I think the trees just seem too close to me there. I brought in some plein air paintings.

Eunice: I am in favor of Rooster Rock and other locations in the Gorge. I am having surgery next I'll be working from home for awhile. 

Tedd: I like a place called Husum Falls. I like locations in Hood River. I painted last week in the Washington County plein air event. I discovered that my painting was too big. There was a maximum size of 16 x 20. What I did was I folded it back and glued it down and put it in a 16 x 20 frame! (I brought it to show you) (Laughter)! 

Jerry: I like vineyards. When I paint in vineyards I feel "enveloped" by the place. I also like to paint in the desert. I am going to be going on a workshop with Jef Gunn next week (High Desert). There are a couple places available in his workshop.... it is really a unique experience and I highly recommend it. I brought in 2 plein air paintings.

Thomas K: My favorite place to paint right behind my easel  (Laughter)! No really, I'm serious about that-- everywhere is good. I am more interested in the painting oftentimes than in the location. I have discovered that I don't like painting in Edward Fernando's car! (Laughter)! However... I do intend to try to paint more out of vehicles in the future. I brought in paintings from my recent trip to Italy and Croatia. I got to paint with Marc Delessio.  (Editor's note you can find all of Thomases paintings on his Facebook page together with descriptions). 

Tom D: I like semi rural areas and natural areas... I painted indoors for many years and I like outdoors only now! I sometimes wish for a windmill or something in the distance (Laughter)! I tend to exclude modern things. I am showing you a painting I painted of my wife in my yard. 

Betsy: I like the Rhododendron Gardens. I like how they have such a variety of things there like waterfalls. I brought in a pastel--- I can't pass it around because it is pastel. (Editor's note: Sorry, Betsy, I didn't get a picture of your work--send me a photo if you can).

 Lola: I like all the National parks. I was the artist-in-residence at Whiskeytown in Northern California. I like Sedona. Locally I like a place called College Park in Troutdale. It is near Mt Hood Community College. There are no restrooms there, but there's a Dairy Queen across the street! (Laughter)!

Jeanne: I like Oak Island on Sauvie Island. I am showing a painting from there. It is a challenge to paint large outdoors!

Charlie: I like Silver Falls and the Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge on the Washington side. When I'm sketching I want to sketch "what I will never see again". 

Joanne: When I painted at the Washington County Plein Air event they left it wide open ---you could go to anywhere you wanted.  I went to a nursery... I went there twice. When I painted in the Hood River Plein Air event I painted a church and I also painting a church in the Washington County event too. I'm kind of thinking about maybe doing a series of churches! There is a really neat kind of energy when your friends are all around painting with you. I don't actually always go looking for something specific... Wherever I am I find something that will inspire me. I am showing some recent plein air paintings.

Diane: For me it's a field or a lake, but it doesn't really matter as long as light is sweeping across some surfaces. That is what gets to me. I brought in three paintings. 

Kristina: I like Blackberry beach. You can turn in any direction. There is something beautiful no matter where you are looking. I brought in plein air paintings from there.
When I was at the Umpqua Valley plein air event our Judge Mike Hernandez told us a great story. He works for DreamWorks. He is an animator. He and his whole crew went out to plein air paint one time and they brought back and all the paintings and lined them up. (They had never plein air painted before). They said ..."oh my gosh these are terrible"! Can you imagine these great art guys who work at DreamWorks having such a hard time doing what we do? He said "Hat's off to all of you....because plein air painting is (deceptively) difficult!"

Brenda: I think that the best location is whereever you had your last successful painting! (Laughter)!
My current favorite place is a vineyard near my house. The worst place I've recently was on a city street at night. It was just kind of dicey... being on a city street with some weird people. I also am not crazy about the East Coast because of the bugs (Laughter)! I did a pastel demonstration at George Rogers Park and I'm showing that as well as a painting from the evening of the "blood moon". 

Joanne: I like painting at hipbone ...however I am going to be starting my own figure painting sessions in November! I know I can do a really good job with lighting. I'm looking forward to seeing all or you who like figure painting there. It will be costumed and probably later some nude too.  For plein air locations... I like the Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge. 

Dotty: I am from Central California I am new (welcome, Dotty)!  I like anything in the Columbia River... I'm really happy to be here. I brought in two small studies. 

Carrie: I like the waterfront in downtown Portland. I take the Max there. There's always a lot of things to paint on the Waterfront!

Tim: I like swamps and I don't like buildings! (Laughter)! I brought in a "political" painting. (It references a "one ring circus"). 

Stephanie:  I was in the Washington Plein Air event. I like Sauvie Island and Rooster Rock and my newer favorite is Cooper Mountain Vineyard. I avoid man-made objects in my paintings. I recently painted in my own neighborhood. I am showing two plein air paintings.

Claudia: I like the Hood River area and I like to go to a place on the other side in Washington, Chamberlain lake. I did one of my best paintings there although it fell over into the dirt and was ruined by spilled turpenoid!

Diane: Pass today :)

Lisa: I came to hear what all the locations would be! I haven't done any plein air this year. I've been painting in my studio. I brought in a landscape painting.

Annie: I like to paint inside my house. I also like outdoors! I recently did some paint charts. 

Loretta: I would do landscape, not urban. I brought in a painting from my archives. I like to paint in the studio. This is a "memory" painting. 


How to find Blackberry Beach:

Portland Open Studios this weekend and next. Karen E. Lewis, Joanne Radmilovich Kollman, Don Bishop and others: 

Classes at OSA (Brenda Boylan, Steve Kleier, Karen Ilari and others:

Brenda's class is full and she will have another series in the future. 

Joanne Mehl figure workshop, Oct 25 and 26: 

Stephanie has a show at the Broadway Remax (two receptions one this Sunday and one next Sunday 1-4pm) 2nd and Broadway. 

Sequoia Gallery workshops with Sarah Sedgwick, Eric Bowman and others

All the winning paintings from Washington Plein Air are displayed at Sequoia until the end of October: 

Thomas Kitts will have a show at the Brian Marki in December. He will offer a local workshop in the winter (he just needs a space to do it in). Do you know of a space? Contact Thomas

Craig Srebnik has a free demonstration on Wed the 14th (email him for details) Also an upcoming portrait workshop (Nov):

Jef Gunn workshop (two spots left):

Thomas Kitts, Brenda Boylan, Aimee Erickson, Jennifer Diehl and James McGrew (and others) are painting at the Laguna Plein Air Event next week:

Portland Art Museum upcoming landscape Masterworks exhibit:

Beaverton artist mix reception Friday:

Thanks all for sharing your ideas and paintings today. Next meeting, Thursday, Oct 15. Suggested table topic: Highlights (pertaining to painting). What can you tell us that you have learned about "highlights"? 

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