Todays suggested table topic Yellow(s) do you have brands, specific colors you recommend? What can you tell us about Yellow? (Bonus points given for showing a painting that features yellow!)
Celeste: I enjoy learning what the weekly topic is.. because sometimes I will paint expressly "for" the topic. I painted these three paintings because of today's subject, "yellow". I also painted a chart of all the yellows I have. I have ignored many of them in a drawer, and seeing what they look like might be useful! I like Gamblin and Utrecht best. I've been experimenting with "Georgian" paint because of the economy, but I can't recommend their yellow.
Loretta: I like Winsor Newton. I Iike Indian Yellow, Naples yellow and Cadmium Yellow Pale. I am showing a yellow painting from my archives.
Tim: It's off topic some, but I wanted to show you how I personalized my sketchbook. I used Sculpy clay and fashioned "The tree of knowledge"..I added paint. I am also showing two paintings that feature yellow (an onion and a painting of Rembrandt). I avoid Cadmium colors.
Ken: I don't keep track of specific yellows. I mainly use Yellow Ochre. In this painting I used Prussian blue, white and ochre. I am showing two paintings from my meditative series.
Geri: I get bonus points...because I brought in my painting of a girl with her pet rat! (Laughter)! It features yellow. I use a lot of Cad Yellow Light and Ochre. I always modify with the compliment. I painted a nun in a yellow habit, but I'm not sure about showing it. (Laughter)! Editor's note: (We've added the nun painting to the blog "retroactively").
Becky: I didn't bring anything today but I can report that I sold a painting that is almost all yellow! (Applause)! I find that it is hard to find a true transparent yellow. I learned from Aimee Erickson to add just a touch of Indian yellow to white to warm it. (This move helps stave off the "chalkiness" of Titanium white).
Eugenia: I love Naples yellow and Indian Yellow. I am showing a figure painting that features Naples and another that is of a stairway in Italy.
Annie: I apologize for not bringing more paintings in. I have still been working on my illustration assignment (for a book). I have been drawing people in cafes (like this drawing). I brought in some paintings that feature yellow. When I painted this one...I put a strong halo of yellow light encircling the mouse (with a halo effect) and I thought--"well, that's not realistic". And then my 2nd thought was..."well a mouse with a backpack isn't realistic either". (Laughter)!
Pam (new, Welcome, Pam!) I am here on Chris' recommendation. I can't say that I pay a lot of attention to the specific brands. I am showing a painting of my Granddaughter.
Loretta L: I may rely on Yellow Ochre too much. I like Indian Yellow and the Cadmium Yellows. I am showing a desert painting.
Ward: It's really good to be home! (Applause)! Colors have strong "psychology" associations. Yellow is considered to be an "optimistic" color and I remember learning about an airline that decided making the inside of the plane yellow would be a great idea and make everyone happy. Instead, it made everyone sick! (Laughter)! I try to be judicious with my use of yellow. I am a watercolorist and I use a lot of ochre for warmth. I don't want the color to look too raw! I do add yellow for a sunny effect if it is there. What I use yellow for mostly is in creating greens! As you all know, I have been away for a long time and I can tell you that you can get a little lonely for your friends! In which case, you can paint one (to make yourself less homesick)---(Ward reveals a painting he did of Tim Young). (Applause)!
Jeanie: I inherited oil paints from my Mother. They were Winsor Newton. I liked them, but I find that I like Gamblin even better. I did a chart of my yellows. I am also showing a landscape (that features green/yellow).
Chris: My favorite is Naples yellow. I also know about that suggestion to add a very small amount of Indian Yellow to white (to warm it). I remember driving past a field of Canola wouldn't ever believe that anything could possibly be THAT yellow! I am showing some daffodils, a landscape and a large painting that I've been working on from a photo reference of my ancestors! I used the Zorn palette. (Black, White, red and ochre).
Susan: The soft pastels are like butter...and some of the colors, most especially the yellows, well, you can not hold one of those in your hand and be in a bad mood! (Laughter)! It is true, the color will just lift you up! I am showing a work in progress. I found that I have a whole bunch of cheap acrylics and my idea was to do an underpainting with them and finish the painting with oil later. It is from a reference from Northern Thailand.
Dave: We've come back from a trip to Breckinridge. I have been using "Open Acrylics" and I like how they handle a lot like oils (slower drying time). I am showing paintings from our travels. This sunset painting was from the Rosewood Hotel.
Jim: Hansa isn't really strong, but it can be useful. I have been doing paintings based on some of the assignments on a Facebook page called Art Studio Inspirations. This assignment had to do with cast shadows. I am also showing a painting of table rock. I intentionally left out the detail and concentrated on big shapes and simplicity.
Eunice: I pass on this topic
Judith: I have been taking a class in watercolor. I did this botanical painting about the common Camas. It blooms in May. The background is yellow.
Dotty: Cadmium Lemon is so expensive! I am always on the lookout for a good alternative. I am showing some fruit paintings that feature yellow and also I did this pastel recently (of Trillium).
Paula: I like Naples Yellow. I've done yellow underpainting and I like how yellow underneath other colors really looks like sunshine!
I am showing value studies that I did in Jennifer Diehl's class.
Peggie: Sorry I am late! I have been stuck in traffic! But I had to come today because the topic is yellow. I painted a series of flowers in fields....and I named them with whatever the name of the flower was. This one was called "Tahiti" and it was at the Portland Rental Gallery. I met the person at a reception who had bought it. She came up to me and said "I bought Tahiti!" and right behind her was her grumpy looking husband who grumpily said: "and *I* paid for it, and it was too much"!! (Laughter)!! (The woman had previously rented the painting but had missed it too much when it was returned). I am showing a print of "Tahiti".
Yong: I don't really think in terms of specific "yellows"...not really! Instead I respond but painting what I see..."Oh, that is getting more orange...oh that is getting more green there". I am showing a watercolor that shows this kind of "gradual shifting".
Katherine: Pass
Gayle: Pass
Thomas: One of the first yellows was Naples yellow....and you are not painting with it now! The first Naples, the "real thing" is actually poisonous. The yellow van Gogh is so famous for was Chrome yellow and so toxic! It is "Salt of Mercury"! Of course, Indian yellow, the actual Indian yellow was because in India they were feeding cows mango leaves so they could use the urine for pigment! (collective groan)! Many colors we artists currently use had their beginnings in the automotive industry. I painted these lemons with cad medium and cad light. I am showing two other paintings that feature yellow.
Art Extravaganza on Saturday, April 14 (Susan Kuznitsky and Ward Stroud)
Thomas Kitts DVD unveiled April 16 pre order
Thomas Kitts Workshop, 5 days, August 6
Paint the figure Friday ("Fine Art Friday") at OSA April 13 1-4pm with Joanne Radmilovich Kollman. The model is Jaime
$20 drop ins are welcome
Come paint with
FRESH FLOWER SATURDAY (and/or open studio, paint from your own reference) Every Saturday, Next one: April 14 1:30-4:30 pm with artist Joanne Radmilovich Kollman $25
Questions? If you need assistance, instruction or help with supplies don't hesitate to ask, contact Joanne Kollman Drop-ins are welcome. 503.752.3708
Questions? If you need assistance, instruction or help with supplies don't hesitate to ask, contact Joanne Kollman Drop-ins are welcome. 503.752.3708
Lavender Festival (sign up):
Yong Hong Zhong two upcoming watercolor workshops (May and Sept)
Michael Lindstrom Upcoming Workshops (very popular, all about using more paint)
Michael Lindstrom
Michael Lindstrom
Announcing my 2018 Plein Air Workshop schedule!
Spring, Summer, and Fall.
4/28 Sauvie Island, OR
8/25-8/26 Jane Weber Arboretum, Vancouver,WA
10/13 Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, Vancouver,WA
See my website for more details:
contact me with questions or registration
4/28 Sauvie Island, OR
8/25-8/26 Jane Weber Arboretum, Vancouver,WA
10/13 Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, Vancouver,WA
See my website for more details:
contact me with questions or registration
Artist Opportunities:
(You are encouraged to paint at the same locations with accepted artists):
Pacific NW Plein Air 2018 (+ Workshop with Randall Sexton)
Southern Oregon Plein Air 2018 (+ Workshop with Aimee Erickson):
Paint the Peninsula:
Portland Open Studios:
PPLC Newsletter: (Eugene)
Next Meeting, Thursday April 19, Suggested Table Topic: Your current and upcoming projects/assignments --what is "on your plate" right now and in the future (and why)? How do you choose what you will work on next?
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