Meeting Notes, May 11, 2017

At todays meeting: Loretta Diane, Tim, Geri, Mike, Jim, Eugenia, Christopher, Ward, Elo, Dave, Sharon, Eunice, Tom Jeanie, Annie, Joanne, Dotty, Anna and me, Celeste.

Today's suggested topic: Props (show or tell us about a favorite prop)..bonus question, tell us about preferred lighting for painting the object.

Celeste: I have a house full of "props", but despite that when I went with Joanne to Village Merchants, I bought a pair of children's shoes. I wanted to try to paint them like Carol Marine has done in the past. Also, here is my pared down painting kit. I painted clothes on hangers during the Strada Challenge.

Geri: Here is a favorite of mine...this vintage toy. It  belongs to my husband. I paid a dollar for a lamp to use on objects like this. I just want a cast shadow.

Tom: I was once in Italy giving thought to connectivity. Everything is connected and we are all connected! This painting is what resulted from those thoughts.

Annie: (sorry Annie, I didn't hear some of what you said). I brought two favorite objects..these are horseshoe crabs!

Christopher: I am back from the Artist in Residency through the Hellene Wurlitzer foundation in Taos New Mexico! During my time there I did a series of the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge. This bridge is 500-600 feet above the Rio Grande. All the residents (from differing disciplines) were given their own living quarters. Hellene Wurlitzer is the granddaughter of  Wurlitzer (famous company).  She left a trust fund for the residencies. I am showing this painting of the Bridge and also another Bridge painting of the George Washington Bridge in NYC. (Applause)!

Elo: I remember that when I was a kid I often drew my hand...because it was there! (laughter)! My favorite object lately has been an orchid plant that I have painted a few times. I painted this path plein air and was surprised to see how different it looked when I brought it indoors. I am showing a new large painting that I did (in the studio) for a community center. It is this shape in order to conceal an electrical panel (laughter)! I did this painting about Psalm 23. I included the still waters, the pastures, and the sheep represent all of us---!

Jeanie: I am working on a painting with sea shells. I brought in this wine bottle that someone gave to me. I am going to paint it!

Tom: My chair props me up (laughter).  I did this painting of an apple tree and blossoms are a real challenge. I also painted this stand of trees.

Ward: I don't use a lot of props ---but I will GIVE props!--I learn so much from my students. And "Props" to my teachers too. I can't say enough about how grateful I am. And as far as this group goes--I often think about something I heard here in this group during the week when I am back at the easel.  (Applause)!

Dave: I really don't do props. When I was painting at Kat's she said..."here paint this" (a peeled orange). And I said..."paint this---really"?? But, I understood, it is good practice and I did it. I am showing two other "object" paintings.

Eunice: I don't have anything to show today. I have been taking an online painting course and it is rigorous. I still have to get through 6 hours of video, reading and homework! 

Loretta: In my "salad days" I looked like this (Loretta shows a black and white photo of herself)...and these are the shoes I wore then (Laughter, Applause)! I used to wear I paint them. (Laughter, Applause)!

Joanne: This is my favorite prop (Joanne shows a painting of her son Tony) (Applause)! I used to be a graphic designer and way back in 2001 I went to draw Tony (he was little back then)-- I realized that my skill had gone somewhere else! (But I worked to get it back). I went to a counselor a long time ago and she asked me what I wanted to do...and I answered I want to paint! She gave me this china creamer to paint and I think of her at that time when I look at this. I painted it is the painting. I like window light and natural light best for still life. (Applause)!

Anna: I do like still life--and I have gotten lots of practice with it lately. I like a square green plate that I got at Fred Meyer. I also love to paint peppers. This pitcher was a recent acquisition. I painted recently at R. Blooms (a nursery). R. Blooms likes plein air artists, they are very supportive. 

Diane: I really appreciate small objects. I did this of an acorn. I also did a study of Spanish moss...I am fascinated how it grows. During the time I painted this I was reading a book about neurology! It is hard not to see the parallels between nature and ourselves. All this spanish moss looks like dendrites and synapses. I heard a story about how Jef Gunn hosted a pot luck for his students....and then when they were finished (together) they painted the leftovers.

Tim: James Gurney has a video demonstration where he paints a water glass and a lemon. I find his videos inspirational and informative. I am showing a cup that I found in a hedge! Only part of the cup was showing and I thought it would be a broken piece...but there it was, sort of in the middle of nowhere-- and perfect. I like to paint white objects like this. I am showing a recent plein air (of the high water).

Mike: Let me use Joanne's painting as a reference to what I like--where there are flowers I especially like the flowers that are left on the table --there is something poignant about the flowers that have fallen and not made it into the vase.  I am just partial to flowers that are cast about on the table --those are the most interesting to me.

Jim: I like fruits and vegetables for daily painting subjects. During watercolor class I did a landscape...but I didn't like it so I painted it again. I am more in favor of this one! I am inspired by some of you figure I painted this detail of a Fechin portrait. Fechin is my favorite figure painter!

Eugenia: Flowers are my favorite prop. My daughter is my biggest supporter. She has my paintings up at her college. Her friends ask me "can you paint this for me...can you paint that for me"? One young person asked me to paint her dog. I did! (Applause)! I like these assignments.

Dotty: I don't have a favorite--to me, anything is game! I went to Crystal Springs to paint and I found it just overwhelming. I couldn't land on the scene to I painted this --a "close up".

(Applause after most every participant today--that was fun)!


Christopher: In Taos there are so many galleries! Portland should certainly have more galleries! I want to make a proposal that in August that we go to the Snake River to paint during the solar eclipse! Let's think about this--and make it happen!

Portland Rental Gallery Reception (with Dave McBride, Christopher Mooney, Cathleen Rehfeld, Peggie Moje' and others)

Mike Porter's fundraiser is still on! He is turning brush pots and coffee scoops with proceeds going to Oregon Society of Artists --contact Mike

Submit to Large Oswego Festival of Arts

Portland Open Studios will be in October (Many Portland artists, including Ward, Joanne and Celeste)

Dotty Hawthorne has a show at Christian's frame in Sellwood Reception First Friday
(see photo below)

Schreiners garden is blooming

Life painting Fridays with Joanne Radmilovich Kollman this Friday with Catherine (posed at the piano).

submit to the Beaverton Arts Mix (thanks for the info, Ward)

Jeanne Chamberlain solo show is up at Multnomah Arts Center

Ward Jene Stroud will host a party at his business June 1st. 409 NW 21st (stay tuned for time)

Ward's classes continue every Friday

Village Gallery Art Challenge Fund Raiser May 14 reception (Karen Doyle and others):

Portland Photography Forum and OSA  (David Burbach, Eric Brody, Tim Mahoney and others) to May 25

Oregon Art Beat segment about Pacific NW Plein air --See it here:

Next Meeting: Thursday May 18 suggested table topic: Things (related to painting) that you did NOT GET at first...but now you do! (and what made you finally "get it"?)

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