At today's meeting: Paula, Diane, Lisa, Jennifer (new), Becky, Ken, Susan, Raphael, Loretta L, Judith, Mike, Jim, Stephanie, Tom, Chris, Jeanie, Carol (new), Eunice and me, Celeste
Today's table topic: What is on your it pertains to painting? (What are your upcoming plans)?
Celeste: I have been enjoying the good weather paint outs and it is also great to return to "regular" art discussion meetings too! I am showing some paintings from some of the paint outs...and also I am pretty proud of this recent drawing of my husband...because it looks like him! On my docket, I want to read some (art) books cover to cover. I'll devote some chunks of time to reading. I'm reading Kevin McPherson's book right now. It's very good!
Ken: I didn't bring anything to show today...because everything is in my show at Prosperity Pie! Please come by tonight from 5-7. There is a reception for my show. (Applause)!
Susan: I really love this space...why haven't we always met here? It is so "us"! I have been selling our business and when that is finalized I will be freed up to do more painting and more teaching. I just had these drawings that I did of my sons (a long time ago) re-framed and I am also showing a painting I did from my own photo reference (it is an iconic bar in NYC).
Raphael: I enjoyed the Strada Challenge, I painted every day for 30 days. I also enjoyed "hosting" the paint out at Clackamette Park. I did wait at the front of the park (like I was supposed to do) but eventually I came down to the water and discovered painters already down there, set up and painting! Tim was nearly finished with his painting! (Laughter)! I won a juror's award at Beaverton Art Mix (Applause)! The City of Beaverton purchased that same painting (Applause)! I am showing two Strada Challenge "daily" paintings.
Loretta L: Thank you, Celeste for finding us a new place to meet! What I like so much about the Thursday meetings is that they force me to finish something to show! I painted this painting at the Powell Butte Paint out. I improved it some in the Studio. Currently (and on my docket) I am taking classes at PCC. One class is in sculpture. In January my husband and I are taking a trip to Viet Nam and Cambodia.
Judith: I am also glad that we are here! I think this is an upgrade. I am taking classes at PCC Sylvania. The idea is to improve my drawing. This painting that I am showing is the result from one class. It has to do with the #metoo movement.
Mike: I am just back from a trip to France. We started in Normandy and then came back to Normandy. It was as wonderful of an experience as one could ever have! Of particular note was the art galleries and we visited Chartwill too. This is where Winston Churchill lived (and painted). His painting studio is intact and his paints are all still laid out, just like when he was there. His paintings are on the walls. I had read it before...but I purchased his book in the gift shop: "Painting as a Pastime". In the book he wrote that if you take up painting late in life, you should paint with audacity...just go for it! Also he wrote (in french): "La peinture à l'huile est difficile, mais l'aquarelle est beaucoup plus difficile"! (translation: "Painting in oil is difficult, but watercolor is much harder"! (Laughter)! I am passing around my sketchbook from the trip.
Jim: It is good to be back! We went for a trip to Europe the Rhine river. We went to a museum in Zurich that floored me. There were paintings there that I had never seen reproductions of...and they were to die for! (Monet and a van Gogh). After that... we also took a trip to the Midwest! On my docket....staying home for all of October! (Laughter)! It was great to see family during my visit I painted this Grist Mill. Oddly was "treacherous" (where I painted this)...because of poisonous snakes. I also painted this recently at Clackamette park and my advice is don't forget your tripod! It is no easy task to hold your paint box in one hand while painting with the other! (Laughter)!
Jennifer: (new! Welcome)! I am just starting and I have painted in two paint outs. Right now I am working on a painting that I am doing from a photographic reference (a post card). It is not finished yet. I intend to paint more!
Paula: I went to Las Vegas to help Quin Sweetman and others with the Beautiful Lives Lost Portrait Exhibit (honoring the 58 killed in the mass shooting last year). The exhibit was timed to be at the one year anniversary. It was very emotional, but I am glad I went. On my docket: I am going to be picking up oil again. That is my plan. I am signed up to take a class with Jennifer Diehl.
Diane: I started the Strada Daily painting challenge with the best of intentions, but a life-changing event made it so I couldn't complete all 30 days. I did complete several daily paintings and I learned a lot from doing them. Well, for one thing, you can't overthink have to jump in and just do it! I'll use that experience as a touchstone for future "daily" work.
Lisa: I also did the Strada Challenge. I came up with a "theme" for it where I held an object in one hand (and painted with the other)! I put them all on this single board for ease of viewing. I have painted plein air a couple of times recently. I think I will paint plein air again next summer.
Stephanie: I painted in the Strada Challenge too. I am showing paintings that I did at Sauvie Island and Powell Butte. A very interesting thing happened recently while I was painting this at Laurelhurst park...there was a film crew there doing a movie. They asked me if I'd like to be in the film (since I was all set up there and painting). Well, sure, I said! The film crew was from Clue and the working title of the film is "Shreik". On my docket: Paint the trees with a showing at Elizabeth Jones.
Tom D: I have had to work lately, so I didn't bring any paintings. I have been doing "experimental" paintings. On my docket is to do more experiments.
Chris R: Paula and I went to Las Vegas recently. It was extremely emotional. The project was Beautiful Lives Lost and we were there to present our portraits to the families. I met my subject's family and now we are connected forever. All of the paintings were so appreciated. Randall Vemer also went and played the violin. The venue (the Marriott) was just beautiful. I'll never forget my experience there.
Jeanie: I am doing a series of water lilies. 30x40, 24x24 and 48x36. I have 20 pieces in my new show (see invitation).
Carol (new)! I'm a student of Susan's ...she is a great teacher! I am interested in portrait and have painted my grandchildren in acrylic. My plan is to shift to another medium and do portraits under Susan's tutelage.
Eunice: I haven't been keen on getting up to go anywhere! (Laughter) I will get back to painting soon!
Becky: I've been very sick for two months with Pneumonia! I have not been I painted this just to do something! It is strongly influenced by a contemporary painting that I liked. I am happy to go into the winter months. On my docket...I will get a flu shot! (Laughter)!
Tomorrow, Friday, Paint out 9am at Cathedral Park with Peggie Moje':
Single Pose "Fine Art Friday" Figure session
7.50 introductory fee
Facilitator: Joanne Radmilovich Kollman
Fridays: 1 -4pm
Sept 7 - Dec 2
Sept 7 - Dec 2
Join this “Fine Arts Friday” group. Enjoy the company fellow artists, share art ideas. Work in the drawing or painting medium of your choice. Clothed models with an occasional partial nude.
registration: contact instructor:, 503-752-3708 or OSA: 503-228-0706
Fresh Flower Saturday: $25 drop-in fee per day
Instructor: Joanne Radmilovich Kollman
Saturdays: 1:30 - 4:30pm
Sept 8 - Dec 22
Paint a new, colorful, fresh flower still life every week. Instructor specialized in expressive alla-prima florals. Work on your oil painting skills and expressive mark making. Classes include instruction, demonstrations, and individual help.
registration: contact instructor:, 503-752-3708 or OSA: 503-228-0706
Other OSA classes:
Ken Mazzochi tonight at Prosperity Pie (see invitation below) 5-7pm
Stephanie Cissna and others at ReMax Sunday 1-3
Jeanie Bates Nov 9, 5-7 At Johnstone Lake Oswego, see invitation below
Call to Artists from Elizabeth Jones Gallery:
Call to Artists Audubon Society (donation):
Portland Open Studios This weekend and Next (Susan Kuznitsky #87, Joanne Kollman, Don Bishop, Brenda Boylan, Dotty Hawthorne, Gretha Lindwood and others
Susan Kuznitsky continuing Saturday classes at OSA
Hiatus Drawing club will meet next time at French Quarter right after the meeting (for sketching). To be determined if we will sometimes go other places. It is up for discussion.
New Paint out next week (Wednesday 9am) with "Co Hosts" Mike and Jim (more information to come)
Next Thursday Meeting: French Quarter Thursday 9am October 18...suggested table topic...your current favorite "thing"! What is it? (technique, tool, idea, place to go...whatever! Describe your current favorite thing as it pertains to painting)!
Guest next week:
Pierre’s adventures
Just a note that the film of me painting at Laurelhurst Park is for a tv series on Hulu called "Shreik"!