Meeting Notes, Sept 28, 2017

At todays meeting, Loretta U, Jim, Tim, Thomas, Tracie, Vicki, Chris, Dotty, Tom, Mike, Dave, Eunice, Becky and me Celeste.

Todays suggested table topic: Do you have plans or goals (as it pertains to painting) for the upcoming cooler (and possibly cold) months?

Celeste: Yes, I do have plans. I have an art collection (of other artist's work). Much of it is it is a goal to frame them all and to put them up on the walls.  I also plan to paint in the snow if it happens...because I really enjoyed doing that last year. I am showing some current daily paintings, a portrait of Tim from last weeks life session and a plein air painting from Powell Butte.

Loretta: I do know that I will be painting during fall and winter....but also, allow me to quote Groucho Marx: "The problem with doing nothing is you never know when you are finished"! (Laughter)!

Jim: What I'd like to do is remember even 5% of what I've been learning from Thomas, Brenda, Ward and Susan! I had a fantastic trip on the workshop with Thomas. As you know, my paintings from the trip were "lost" with my lost luggage--but then within a couple of days they arrived. I am showing you those along with a painting I did at Heritage Farms off of Scholls. As a side note, my wife (who is not a painter but who went on the trip too) started pointing out warm and cool shadows to me recently! Maybe I can convince her to do some value studies..... I think that would be great!

Tim: I acquired this really interesting watercolor paper...but half way through this painting I realized it didn't have any sizing and I also realized --sizing makes the results BETTER (Laughter)! It was fun to experiment with it, though. There is a new park in Gresham called "Hogan Butte"...I painted there and this is the result. I also wanted to show you the cold wax that I made. Cold wax is nice on top of finished watercolor. Some watercolorists do this and hang work without glass. 

Thomas: I am just back from the workshop in Italy and Spain. In the upcoming months I have lots of more travel ahead of me. I'm leaving for the east coast for an event next week. I may be doing a plein air event in Florida in the future too (but that has to be firmed up because of issues pertaining to the hurricane). When I am home, I like to spend my time experimenting. During the workshop I painted with watercolor...I am showing you those paintings.  I've been referring to Sargent and his watercolors --he used china white, so I am using it too. I do prefer watercolor to gouache. When I get to Boston I am going to study some of Sargent's watercolors "first hand".

Tracie: In the upcoming months I have a lot of work to do! I have spent a lot of time recently realizing what is not my thing. I want to make my studio more inviting for the winter. I will make it warmer. I want to walk into it and feel happy to be there.

Vicki: In the fall and winter I will be looking to find some color. I am going to spend more time practicing drawing and I want to work larger and experiment with abstraction. I am showing two recent plein air paintings from Sauvie Island.

Chris: During the winter I am going to be doing Chris Habermas's "Big 500" show. I want to visit Maine and Florida. I have a lot of photo reference and I'm looking forward to painting some special family portraits. 

Dotty: I am in the upcoming Portland Open Studios and I've been preparing for it. During the fall and winter I'll concentrate on oil painting and I'll do some still life. This is a painting from Maine. 

Becky: I am going to paint a series. I am uncertain what I'll chose to do...but whatever it is, I intend to unify it somehow. Roos Schuring is an absolute inspiration. She paints in in climate weather. 

Tom: I am wearing my painting pants...because after the meeting today I am going to Seaside to paint. I figure I better do it now, because today is such a nice day! I will continue to get out whenever I can. My interest is in landscape. I did this painting recently at Heritage Farms.

Mike: Once, when my daughter was young I asked her what she was going to be doing and she answered: "I don't know.....but I have plans!" (Laughter)! It was clear that she simply wanted to steer clear of whatever plans *I* might have for her. We still laugh about her choice of words years later. My favorite time of year is the fall and winter. If any of you want to paint in the cooler months, contact me and we'll meet at Cooper Mountain Nature Park. I know you would like it! I wanted to show you something today that I made for my 11 year old granddaughter. It's not a painting...she is on a swim team and their mascot is a sea I made this for her (out of wood) and I painted it. I hope she'll put it on her desk. 

Dave: I do what I want when I want and I'll continue to do THAT. (Laughter)! (Applause)! I am going to Bandon in November and I'll take photo reference there. I like to use my own photos only for any paintings that I do from reference. I painted at Sauvie Island recently with Gretha and also...this is a painting I did from a photo reference (from Kat Sowa's new home in Vernonia).

Eunice: I have 3 paintings currently underway, but they are too wet to bring in. During the fall and winter I will paint from photo reference and do some still life.


Tracie Broughton: Portland Open Studios Sat and Sun October 14 and 15 and October 21 and 22 10am-5pm

Tracie's opener party: 3135 NW Wilson Oct 20 5-9pm

Dotty Hawthorne: 2055 SE Claybourne Street, Portland Open Studios Sat and Sun October 14 and 15 and October 21 and 22 10am-5pm

Ward,  Joanne K and other OSA artists: Portland Open Studios Sat and Sun October 14 and 15 and October 21 and 22 10am-5pm Oregon Society of Artists

Joanne Kollman: Fine Art Friday with model Rachel, Friday,  Sept 29, 1-4pm Oregon Society of Artists  $20
RSVP is nice...but drop-ins are permitted

Joanne Kollman: Fresh Flower Saturday, Saturday, Sept 30,  OSA Drop ins welcome

Washington County Plein Air Reception, Sequoia Gallery Sat 9/30/17 6pm-8pm

Save the date! Upcoming Field Trip Portland Art Museum: Tuesday Oct 24 (time to be determined) We will meet at the Cafe behind the museum, tour Tedd Chilless' Studio and then go to Portland Art Museum for "Wyeth, three generations"

Michael Lindstrom is repeating his popular "Painting in the Moment" one-day workshop. A great opportunity to take the class if you missed it the first time:

The 1-day workshop on Saturday, October 14th. Heavy focus on painting in the moment, but this time with fall color. Sauvie Island, 9am-4pm. $100.
We are going to paint expressive with lots of paint and allow Mother Nature to be a part of the process. To register:

Becky Land: The Commons Gallery 29353 SW Town Center Loop East, Wilsonville, OR 97070 8am-5pm weekdays Sept 25-Dec 8 (We are going to plan a field trip to see Becky's show also --stay tuned for details)

Beaverton Art Mix  Oct 5-8

Nancy Zhang at Wine Thirty in October:

Medley tea has closed and will sell all their inventory: "Saturday and Sunday 10-4 at Medley 7881 SW Capitol Highway. Cash or check only!"

The Hiatus Drawing Club meets at Prosperity Pie after the regular O'Connors meeting

Next Meeting: Thursday October 5,  9am, Suggested table topic: "Pearls of Wisdom"--tell us the most helpful thing you've heard or read recently (as it pertains to painting). And further.... why do you think that "pearl of wisdom" resonated with you?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Celeste for doing this. You are awesome!
